I discuss the possibilities of CMS platforms for SEO , but also their disadvantages. I also provide some tips and guidelines that help you choose the best CMS for SEO. Table of contents The largest CMSs in the world Several popular CMSs are widely used worldwide. Below are some of the largest: WordPress: WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world. About 40% of all websites run on this system. Joomla: approximately 2.5% of all websites run on this Content Management System.
Drupal: this is a robust CMS. to create flexible content WhatsApp Number List from even the most complex information structures. Several large organizations and governments and approximately 1.5% of all websites worldwide use this. Shopify: This is a leading CMS for e-commerce websites. It is used by more than 1.2 million online stores around the world. Magento: just like Shopify, this is also a leading CMS for e-commerce websites. About 1.3% of all websites use this system. What are the possibilities of Joomla for SEO?
There are many more CMSs available than just the above. Each CMS has its own strengths and functions. The choice of a CMS depends on the specific needs of a website or company. The largest CMSs in the Netherlands In the Netherlands, websites and web shops also run on various CMSs. These are some of the most commonly used: WordPress: just like in the rest of the world, WordPress is also the most popular CMS in the Netherlands. More than half of all websites run on this CMS. Joomla: approximately 10% of all websites in the Netherlands use Joomla.