It’s what we’re paid to tweak content and get each item of content performing to its optimal standard. We want to identify sparse, thin, underperforming content, which doesn’t say enough. But it’s a thin line between sparse content with too few referenced topics (too few keywords) and spam content, which is nothing but keyword injections. Even before Google’s well-known Panda update, there were attempts to curb the “keyword enthusiasm” of SEOs. Content that doesn’t contain atopical relevance doesn’t have the weight to penetrate Google’s SERPs. By contrast, content that is too optimization-heavy sinks. Keep these competing forces in mind when optimizing or reducing the optimization intensity of your content. Your content must be heavy enough to penetrate but not so heavy that it sinks.
Get the daily newsletter search DB to Data rely on. Business email address Get Search Engine Land in your inbox. See terms. User experience: Speed vs. functionality WordPress is known as an (CMS). But often, some site wonders want more functionality than the default CMS, so they start installing many plugins. Fairly quickly, site performance deteriorates as pages load slower and slower. Shortcode must be queried and transmuted to HTML / CSS, which involves additional calls to various tables from the database. Additional scripts pile up in the browser’s main thread, creating execution bottlenecks. Getting a good balance of page-loading speeds and functionality was fairly easy in the past. As long as you minified your scripts and sheets, compressed your images and installed a caching plugin, you were good to go.
Those days are over. Nowadays, Google wants us to begin interpreting what happens on the client’s (end-user’s) browser’s main processing thread. There’s no point shipping 5-10 scripts to a user really efficiently if all of that JavaScript waits in the browser’s main processing thread to be executed. As such, we now have to consider: JavaScript code audits. Intelligent JavaScript deployment (only call scripts on the pages where they are needed). Server-side rendering (SSR). JavaScript parallelization. You can still achieve high functionality combined with high speed. It just takes a lot more work (and intelligence) than previously. Forging an effective critical JavaScript/CSS rendering path is not for the faint of heart.